How Do You Handle Real Property Damage?
Once an owner discovers there is a defect or property damage to its project caused by the general contractor or one of its subcontractors, the owner will want to know what damages it may recover. While a full discussion of damages in a construction dispute is too in-depth, the following will show the general category […]
To Give Early Notice or Not to Give Early Notice: That is the Question!
Notices, such as notices of delays, changed conditions, objections to payment applications, and claims, can be required for many aspects of a construction project. However, provisions in construction contracts sometimes require notices to be issued in a relatively short time frame. From this arises the question: does a claim die or not die if a […]
Where Oh Where Will My Construction Dispute Go?
If a construction dispute arises, where will the lawsuit or arbitration take place? The answer to that question is not always clear–even if stated in the contract. There is a construction forum statute in Texas that allows contractors, engineers, and architects who are working on Texas construction projects to insist any disputes related to that […]